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Welcome to https://battletimezone.com

We comprehend that security approach is imperative to clients of our Site's online clients , particularly with regards to leading business.

This announcement demonstrates our security approaches as for those clients of the Site ("Visitors of site") who visit without

executing business and Visitors who register to execute business on this Site and utilize different administrations offered by https://battletimezon.com(Battle Time Zone App)/(all things considered, "Administrations") ("every day clients").

Actually Identifiable Information About Users

We doesn't gather any close to home data from clients. In the event that we gather any sort of data such data alludes to any data that recognizes or can be utilized to distinguish, contact, or find the individual to whom such data relates, including, however not restricted to, name, address, telephone number, email address,fax number, budgetary profiles, government managed savings number, and Mastercard data. By and by Identifiable Information does exclude data that is gathered secretly (for example without ID of the individual client)

B. What or What kind of Personally Identifiable Information is gathered?

We may gather essential client profile data from the majority of our Visitors. We gather the accompanying extra data from our Authorized Customers: the names, email locations of Authorized Customers.

Data Collection and Use

For a superior encounter, while utilizing our Service, we may expect you to give us certain by and by recognizable data, including yet not restricted to Name, Email Address, Mobile Number. The data that we solicitation will be held by us and utilized as portrayed in this security arrangement.

The application uses outsider administrations that may gather data used to distinguish you.

Connection to protection arrangement of outsider specialist organizations utilized by the application

a. Google Play Services

b. AdMob

c. Firebase Analytics

What sort of associations are gathering the data?

We doesn't request some other data aside from client email address. installment connection build up by whatsapp and UPI. On the off chance that client share their information like Mastercard detail, bank data and so forth with anybody through our site or application, we are not at risk for this issue.

With whom may the data might be shared?

we don't impart any information to some other outsider. The client data is utilized to confirm the client presence.

How does https://battletimezone.com or Battle Time Zone App use login data?

https://battletimezone.com or Battle Time Zone App utilizes login data, including, however not constrained to, program types, to break down present patterns, oversee the Site, track a client's development and use, and assemble expansive statistic data.

Log Data

We need to advise you that at whatever point you utilize our Service, for a situation of a blunder in the application we gather information and data (through outsider items) on your telephone called Log Data. This Log Data may incorporate data, for example, your gadget Internet Protocol ("IP") address, gadget name, working framework form, the design of the application when using our Service, the time and date of your utilization of the Service, and different measurements.

Youngsters' Privacy

These Services don't address anybody younger than 13. We don't purposely gather by and by recognizable data from youngsters under 13. For the situation we find that a kid under 13 has given us individual data, we quickly erase this from our servers. In the event that you are a parent or watchman and you know that your tyke has given us individual data, if it's not too much trouble get in touch with us so we will probably do important activities.

What occurs if the Privacy Policy Changes?

We will advise our Visitors about changes to our security strategy by posting such changes on the Site. Notwithstanding, in the event that we are changing our protection strategy in a way that may cause divulgence of Personally Identifiable Information that a Visitor or Authorized Customer has recently mentioned not be uncovered, we will contact such Visitor to permit to anticipate such exposure.

How is Personally Identifiable Information put away?

Actually Identifiable Information gathered by https://battletimezone.com or Battle Time Zone App is safely put away and isn't open to outsiders or representatives of https://battletimezone.com or Battle Time Zone App with the exception of utilization as demonstrated previously.

Are Cookies Used on the Site?

Utilization of treats absolutely relies upon google terms.

Discount and Cancellation Policy?

In the occasion, on the off chance that you are disillusioned with the administrations gave, we will discount back the cash, gave that the reasons are certified and demonstrated after examination. If it's not too much trouble perused the fine guidelines of each match before going along with it, it gives every one of the insights regarding the match.

Joining is against the Game Rules,Users record will be Terminated on the off chance that he will be found in doing as such.

If there should arise an occurrence of disappointment from our administrations, customers have the freedom to drop their ventures and solicitation a discount from us. Our Policy for the retraction and discount will be as follows:(a) Account Cancellation Policy

To Deactivate your Account please get in touch with us.

Solicitations got will be prepared inside 3 business days and your record will be deactivated Permanently.Only winning sum will be discounted to the client.

(b) Match Refund Policy

On the off chance that any customer isn't totally happy with our standards and match we can give a discount just in the event that you didn't Join Room and not for some other Reason.The Refund will be issue in the User's Respective Wallet.

Include Money Policy?

Client can Add a base measure of Rs.20 to their Wallet and the Money will be included through the Whats-application, User need to Send a message to include cash into their wallet.The cash included the wallet must be utilized to join Tournaments and Cannot be Redeemed in some other Manner.

Withdrawal Policy?

Client needs to pull back a base measure of Rs. 250. In case of Cancellation the full cash will be pulled back.

Record debilitated Policy ?

On the off chance that our help group found any suspicious exercises for you like Hacking, inbuilt PUBG Glitch, Violation of Tournament Rules and so forth then your record will be for all time handicapped and no further request won't be led by our group for example you can't raise any grievance with respect to this to us and your everything wallet cash will be blocked and no discount will be issued by us for example the entire sum will be relinquished.
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